Saturday, December 14, 2024
Beautiful Blooms LLC
N59W22649 Silver Spring Dr, Lisbon, WI 53089
*Page updated 8:15am on 12/9/2024*
Your assigned run time is listed below the map, under the participation level you registered for.
Please arrive 20 minutes before your run time. Excessively early arrivals will not result in getting to run earlier in the day.
Park in the designated competitor parking areas when you arrive (see map on website page).
Enter the marked entry door on the map to check-in at the registration desk.
Please confirm your car make and model and cell phone # when you check-in.
When your runtime is coming up, a volunteer will come get you and escort you inside the building to begin your first search. Do NOT stage outside with your dog unless you are told to do so.
Human restrooms are available indoors near registration. Please coordinate with a volunteer to get in/out of the bathroom area so you do not disturb a search that may be in progress.
If you have a red bandanna dog, please bring your own bandanna.
Dogs must be on-leash at all times on the property.
Dogs can be pottied on the property in the designated areas only. Do NOT allow dogs to pee in other areas of the property.
Pick up any poop and place it in the waste bin in the potty area or take it with you off-site.
There will be no walk through prior to searching.
All participants will have 3 searches. Once you enter the building with your dog, you will go right to your first search, traveling through the 3 search areas consecutively. Please note that the last search may be an outdoor search. Dress appropriately!
Searches will be conducted following the current NACSW trial rulebook guidelines for false alerts, faults, and errors. If you would like to continue running after false alert/s, you must request as such at the beginning of each search. If you do not request this, you will be dismissed from the search after false alerts.
For each search:
A volunteer will tell you specific information for each search area, including: What level you are running, the time limit, the on or off leash option, search area boundaries, and other relevant search area criteria.
All searches will be run blind unless you tell the judge you would like to know where the hides are.
Be sure to call "ALERT" when your dog has found each hide. NW2 and above, be sure to call “FINISH” when your dog is done searching.
Spectators are welcome, but they may not be able to watch all searches due to search area size.
Participants may video record their own searches according to the current NACSW trial rule book guidelines. Spectators are not allowed to record the searches.
After you are finished running with your dog, we ask that you kindly leave the premises to free up parking spots for other participants.​​​
Questions? Please contact Laura at or 262-844-9857